{{ Form::label('sitemap', 'Sitemap') }} {{-- Hidden field before checkbox allows setting the checkbox to inactive --}} {{ Form::hidden('sitemap',0) }} {{ Form::checkbox('sitemap') }} {{ Form::label('published', 'Published') }} {{-- Hidden field before checkbox allows setting the checkbox to inactive --}} {{ Form::hidden('published',0) }} {{ Form::checkbox('published') }}
{{ Form::label('name', 'Name') }} * {{ Form::text('name', null, array('class' => 'width_80')) }}

Page Name

The name is used for administrative purposes only to identify the page you are working with. This will not appear on the public side of your website at any time.

{{ Form::label('title', 'Title') }} * {{ Form::text( 'title', null, array( 'class' => 'width_80', 'onkeyup' => 'createURLName(this.value)', 'onblur' => 'createURLName(this.value)' )) }}

Page Title

The title appears at the top of your browser window and is important for search engine optimization purposes. The title should be descriptive of your page and content with keywords integrated throughout.

{{ Form::label('slug', 'Slug') }} {{ Form::text( 'slug_disp', null, array_merge( array( 'id' => 'slug_disp', 'class' => 'width_50', 'maxlength' => '200', 'onkeypress' => 'return isSEOKey(event);', 'onblur' => 'createURLName(this.value);', ), ($slug_disabled?array('disabled' => true):array()) ))}} {{ Form::hidden('slug') }}

URL Name

The URL name is the actual link that will be used to access your page. This should be short and include important and descriptive keywords for your page. Certain special characters are not allowed in the URL which are restricted from being entered in this field. Use "-" instead of spaces for search engine purposes.

Automatically generating the URL name takes the title of your page and converts it into a URL friendly format. It is recommended that you use the automatic generation when creating new pages.

If you leave the URL Name empty it will be treated as the home page.

  {{-- XXX: Hidden field here to circumvent Laravel bug --}} {{ Form::hidden('slug_auto',0,array('id'=>null)) }} {{ Form::checkbox('slug_auto', '1', $slug_auto, array("id" => "slug_auto")) }} Automatically Generate
{{ Form::label('link_name', 'Link Name') }} * {{ Form::text( 'link_name', null, array( 'class' => 'width_60', 'maxlength' => '50' ))}} {{ Form::label('path', 'Path Prefix') }} {{ Form::text( 'path', null, array( 'class' => 'width_60', 'maxlength' => '100', 'onkeypress' => 'return isSEOKey(event);', 'onblur' => 'autofillPathPrefix();' )) }}

Path Prefix

The path prefix will appear before the URL name and after the domain name. The bold section will be the path prefix: http://www.mywebsite.com/path-prefix-example/url-name.

Path Prefix: "path-prefix-example"

{{ Form::label('has_menu_link', 'Menu Item Linked') }} {{-- Hidden field before checkbox allows setting the checkbox to inactive --}} {{ Form::hidden('has_menu_link',0) }} {{ Form::checkbox('has_menu_link') }}
Page URL {{ url('/') }}/{{ $item->path }}@if(!empty($item->path))/@endif{{ $item->slug }}
{{ Form::label('content', 'Content') }}
  {{ Form::submit('Save', array('class' => 'image_button small right')) }}